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Our representative will answer your questions on our capabilities, prepare a quotation, and setup a bottle order for you. You will need to supply your billing address and your report-to address. Our standard terms are net 30 days from the invoice date.

Ohio EPA of Drinking and Ground Waters

Parameters Required for Complete Well Analysis

INORGANIC CHEMICALS (Asbestos will be included at the discretion of the district office staff)
Alkalinity Total, as CaCO3 No standard
Antimony Total, Sb 0.006 mg/l (6 ug/l)
Arsenic Total, As 0.05 mg/l (50 ug/l)
Barium Total, Ba 2 mg/l (2000 ug/l)
Berylium Total, Be 0.004 mg/l (4 ug/l)
Cadmium Total, Cd 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
Calcium Total, Ca No standard
Chloride, Cl 250 mg/l SMCL
Chromium Total, Cr 0.1 mg/l (100 ug/l)
Copper Total, Cu 1.3 mg/l (1,300 ug/l) AL
Cyanide, CN 0.2 mg/l (200 :g/l)
Fluoride Total, F 4.0 mg/l
Iron Total, Fe 0.3 mg/l (300 :g/l) SMCL
Lead Total, Pb 0.015 mg/l (15 ug/l) AL
Magnesium Total, Mg No standard
Manganese Total, Mn 0.05 mg/l (50 ug/l) SMCL
Mercury Total, Hg 0.002 mg/l (2 ug/l)
Nickel Total, Ni 0.1 mg/l (100 ug/l)
Nitrate, NO3 (as N) 10 mg/l
Nitrate-Nitrite, NO3-NO2 (as N) 10 mg/l
Nitrite, NO2 (as N) 1 mg/l
pH, Lab S.U. 7.0 - 10.5 SMCL
Residue, Total Filt (Diss) 500 mg/l SMCL
Selenium Total, Se 0.05 mg/l (50 :g/l)
Silver Total, Ag 0.1 mg/l (100 ug/l) SMCL
Sodium Total, Na No standard
Sulfate, SO4 250 mg/l SMCL
Thallium Total, Tl 0.002 mg/l (2 ug/l)
Zinc Total, Zn 5 mg/l SMCL
Gross Alpha 15 pCi/l MCL / 5 pCi/l AL*
Radium 228 5 pCi/l (combined with 226 result)
Radium 226* 5 pCi/l(combined with 228 result)
Uranium** 30 ug/l
(21 regulated) See below
(3 regulated) See below
Total Coliform (2 samples collected at least 24 hrs. 1 Positive = Standard Exceeded

NOTE: All samples must be analyzed by a certified laboratory. All applicable sample results must be received and approved by the Ohio EPA before the well can be considered for use as a public water source.
Additional analyses than what are listed may be required.
* If the result of a gross alpha analysis exceeds 5 pCi/l, radium 226 analysis must be done.
** If the gross alpha analysis exceeds 15 pCi/l, uranium analysis must be done.

Parameter MCL
Benzene 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
o-Dichlorobenzene 0.6 mg/l (600 ug/l)
p-Dichlorobenzene 0.075 mg/l (75 ug/l)
1,2-Dichloroethane 0.005 mg/l (5.0 ug/l)
1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.007 mg/l (7 ug/l)
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.07 mg/l (70 ug/l)
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.1 mg/l (100 ug/l)
Dichloromethane 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
Ethylbenzene 0.7 mg/l (700 ug/l)
Monochlorobenzene 0.1 mg/l (100 ug/l)
Styrene 0.1 mg/l (100 ug/l)
Tetrachloroethylene 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
Toluene 1 mg/l (1,000 ug/l)
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.07 mg/l (70 ug/l)
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.2 mg/l (200 ug/l)
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
Trichloroethylene 0.005 mg/l (5 ug/l)
Vinyl Chloride 0.002 mg/l (2 ug/l)
Xylenes (total) 10 mg/l (10,000 ug/l)
Parameter MCL
Atrazine 0.003 mg/l (3 ug/l)
Alachlor 0.002 mg/l (2 ug/l)
Simazine 0.004 mg/l (4 ug/l)


  • MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level
  • mg/l - milligrams per liter (parts per million - ppm) = 1,000 ug/l
  • ug/l - micrograms per liter (parts per billion - ppb) = 0.001 mg/l
  • pCi/l - picocurie per liter
  • SMCL - Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level - Advisory limit only
  • AL - Action Level - requires action to be taken
Contact Us

25 Holiday Drive
Englewood, Ohio 45322



[email protected]

Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5:00
Saturday Sample Receiving
(excluding bacteria)
8:30 to 5:00

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